Delivery Type

Delivery Type (Fetch, Upload)


Default - no additional configuration needed.

The fetch method allows you to use Cloudinary delivery by providing a remote URL.

If you are currently restricting Fetched URLs, you need to ensure your Netlify URL is listed under allowed fetch domains. Older accounts may restrict fetched images by default. Read more about restricting the allowed fetch domains (opens in a new tab).

Learn more about using delivering remote images with fetch (opens in a new tab).

Unsigned Uploads

Unsigned uploads require an additional Upload Preset (opens in a new tab) set up and configured in your Cloudinary account.

Inside your Netlify config, add the following input configurations under your netlify-plugin-cloudinary plugin:

  package = "netlify-plugin-cloudinary"
  cloudName = "[Your Cloudinary Cloud Name]"
  deliveryType = "upload"
  uploadPreset = "[Your Cloudinary Upload Preset]"

Uploading media to Cloudinary gives you more flexibility with your media upon delivery.

Learn more about unsigned uploads (opens in a new tab).

Signed Uploads

Signed uploads require you to set your API Key and API Secret as environment variables.

Inside your Netlify config, add the following input configurations under your netlify-plugin-cloudinary plugin:

  package = "netlify-plugin-cloudinary"
  cloudName = "[Your Cloudinary Cloud Name]"
  deliveryType = "upload"

Inside your environment variable configuration:

CLOUDINARY_API_KEY="[Your Cloudinary API Key]"
CLOUDINARY_API_SECRET="[Your Cloudinary API Secret]"

Environment variables need to be configured in any environment that you're building your Netlify site.

Uploading media to Cloudinary gives you more flexibility with your media upon delivery.

Learn more about signed uploads (opens in a new tab).